Vi styrker indsatsen med at opføre administrationsbygninger


I DS Flexhal A/S er vi nok mest kendte for vores lager- og logistikbyggeri – selvom vi, med stor succes, har bygget adskillige administrationsbygninger overalt i Danmark og i Sverige.

En administrationsbygning er bl.a. kendetegnet ved, at bygherre har særlige ønsker til domicilets æstetiske udtryk og atmosfære.

Designet er nemlig vigtigt for, hvordan kundens brand opleves. Stemningen og indeklimaet er også en central måde at understøtte medarbejdertrivsel på.

Vi er glade for, at vores GOLDBECK-kollega Paula Meyer vil hjælpe os og vil tage ansvaret for at drive forretningsområdet administrationsbygninger i Skandinavien til glæde for vores eksisterende og nye kunder.

Se referenceprojekter her:

Kontakt gerne Paula Meyer
på +45 6020 3904 eller



New blood to office buildings where design, customization and flexibility are core elements

DS Flexhal A/S is probably best known for our warehouse and logistics buildings. We have however successfully built several office buildings all over Denmark - and in Sweden too.

Some of the characteristics of the segment office buildings is customization, design and flexibility to meet changing needs. A unique design in line with brand guidelines is important for the perception of our clients’ brand. The atmosphere and indoor climate are also a fundamental way to build employee well-being.

We are pleased that our GOLDBECK colleague Paula Meyer will help us and takes responsibility for running the business segment office buildings in Scandinavia for the benefit of our existing and new customers.

See reference projects here:

Feel free to contact Paula Meyer
directly on +45 6020 3904 or

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